In early August 2020, the Nova Scotia Division of the RCMP Veterans’ Association launched a campaign within its membership that was geared to demonstrate support to all the Nova Scotia Detachments and personnel. Named “WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK”, the initiative encouraged the VA membership to sponsor one or more MOOSE MOUNTIE plush toys that would be donated to each of the detachments as an assist to their valuable work in their communities, especially with families and children. These Moose Mounties, dressed in red serge and Stetson, are to be distributed at the discretion of those detachments when they are dealing with a child in distress or who has been injured or, to be a source of comfort when there is an encounter with persons suffering from dementia-related illnesses.

The campaign was fully subscribed by the Nova Scotia RCMP VA membership within a month, with many persons sponsoring a Moose Mountie in memory of deceased family members and/or RCMP employees. There were also many multiple sponsorships from single donors. The result of the sponsorship drive was that initially, each detachment will receive two (2) Moose Mounties and the Nova Scotia VA Division will commit to replenishing supplies to the NS RCMP Detachments on a continuous basis going forward.
The first Moose Mountie was presented to the Commanding Officer “H” Division A/Comm Lee Bergerman by RCMP VA (Nova Scotia Division) President Brian Carter on September 9, 2020.

Accompanied by a specially-designed card, the Moose Mounties were then to be presented in person to each detachment by the Nova Scotia Association President, supported by some of the local RCMP VA members.

We’ve Got Your Back!!!
In Support and With Appreciation
RCMP Veterans’ Association, Nova Scotia Division
The next presentations were within Halifax District, at the Tantallon Detachment on October 1st, followed by presentations at the Lower Sackville and Cole Harbour Detachments. The Moose Mounties are in good hands awaiting their new assignments!

L-R RCMP VA members Vic Gorman and Vince Woods, Cpl. Jeff Rideout, RCMP VA Nova Scotia Division President Brian Carter, PSE Joelle Duquette

Cpl Danny Thompson, Cpl Dal Hutchinson, RCMP VA member Vic Gorman, Insp. Sean Auld, RCMP VA Nova Scotia Division President Brian Carter, Sgt Craig Smith, Cpl Jason Morrissey

RCMP VA Nova Scotia member Vic Gorman, Insp. Jeremie Landry, RCMP VA Nova Scotia President Brian Carter
All the “H” Division Detachment visitations will be completed by the end of October. The Moose Mounties will be presented to the members at each location and the Veterans will take the opportunity to pass along their appreciation for the work the Force performs in the communities now, to demonstrate their respect for the serving employees, and to share the worth of membership in the RCMP Veterans’ Association with all those employees.