Undermining trust in police is dangerous for us all

CONTRIBUTED TO THE GLOBE AND MAIL – PUBLISHED 2020–07-20 Giuliano Zaccardelli Giuliano Zaccardelli is a retired commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.As anti-police rhetoric in Canada has intensified over the past weeks, I confess that the...

RCMP/NPF Statement: Speculation on Rideau Hall Arrest

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] July 10, 2020 Ottawa, Ontario Statement Last week RCMP Members successfully intervened with and arrested an individual who posed a significant threat at Rideau Hall in Ottawa. We have since been disappointed by commentary from...

Le racisme systémique dans la GRC

Les récents événements au cours desquels le commandant de la division “K” et le commissaire de la GRC ont modifié leurs positions publiques sur l’existence d’un “racisme systémique” au sein de la GRC sont très troublants pour ceux...

Systemic Racism in the RCMP

The recent events where the commanding officer of “K” Division and the commissioner of the RCMP changed their public positions on the existence of ‘systemic racism’ in the RCMP is very troubling to those who currently serve in the RCMP as well as those who have served...

A Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau

Mister Prime Minister, « Systemic » Which is relative to a system in itself Mister Prime Minister Trudeau Your search for justice toward the Aboriginals should not translate itself by declarations founded on perceptions rather than on documented facts. We do not need...