Year Established: 1980
2022 membership: 10 active
Communications: Division newsletter
The Division has had members from Sault Ste. Marie to Kenora, Ontario. This geographic area encompasses 1170 kms of TransCanada Hwy, a huge area with few members, which makes it difficult for members outside of Thunder Bay to attend meetings on a regular basis. The loss of three Detachments in the area has resulted in very few members retiring in the area. Members have made it clear that they prefer social gatherings with very short informal meetings rather than formal meetings.
Tradition and heritage events
- Members’ spouses are invited to attend meetings – the majority of which are pot luck dinners at a member’s home.
- Members’ widows/widowers are kept on our newsletters and invite lists – no dues.
- The member(s) attending the AGM on behalf of the Division pay their own way. This is the only way we can keep the dues low.
Sick and shut-in visits
Visitations to veterans and members, and get-well offerings.
Law enforcement/community
Remembrance Day and police/peace officer memorial services are attended in the communities where members reside.
Association programs/services
- Division advocacy; Updates on veteran issues and benefits, such as estate planning insurance, etc.
- Annual gravesite inspections.
Special events
- Members’ meetings/socials – generally in a member’s home;
- Honour Guard at Veterans’ Funerals;
- An executive member tries to visit members residing outside of Thunder Bay once a year;
- Lorne Poulin Annual Fun Golf Tournament.