Year Established: 1978
2021 Membership: 251 active and life / 58 associate and honorary
Regular Meetings: Dinner, third Tuesday of the month (September to June) / Coffee every Tuesday morning
Communications: Monthly Division Newsletter available in the Members’ Area.
2021/2022 Executive
President: George Noseworthy
Vice President: Jim Power
Secretary: Mark Brown
Treasurer: Jerome Kenny
Membership: Chair – George Noseworthy
Entertainment: Chair – Bob Hurman; along with Ed Lutz, Dave Tipple, Bob Medd, Roger Hansford, George Phillips and Ern Pennell
The majority of the Veteran’s live in or around the St. John’s area and meet for a Dinner Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each Month, except July and August. Once a year the Executive makes a cross island tour in November – Dinner meetings at two locations and meetings at two others and ends with participation at the local Remembrance Day Parade.
Tradition and heritage events
- We make a point to attend wakes and funerals for Retired Members and/or their families in groups, dressed in red serge or red/blue veteran’s blazer. This honour to our fallen colleagues is well noted by the community at large.
- Twice a year, our members assist in serving meals to the homeless in St. John’s. It is well organized and appreciated by the community.
Sick and shut-in visits
Daily by chaplain and members.
Law enforcement/community
RCMP medal ceremonies; Regimental Dinners; Remembrance Day; Police /Peace Officer Memorial; Battle of the Atlantic; Battle of Britain Service; Memorial Day.

Association programs/services
- Division advocacy; Updates on veteran issues and benefits, such as estate planning insurance, etc.;
- Annual gravesite inspections;
- Division Host for Association AGMs: Last in 2011
Special events
- Christmas & Valentine’s Dinners;
- Annual RCMP Charity Hockey Tournament;
- Eastport Fall Festival;
- Church Lads Brigade;
- Supports Red Cross with drivers for patients.