RCMP Veterans' Association » Divisions » New Brunswick


New Brunswick


President’s Message:

Welcome to the website of the New Brunswick Division of the RCMP Veterans Association. Our Division is a dynamic one, diverse in nature, and enjoying the richness of Anglophone, Francophone, and Indigenous cultures.

Our Association is a network of former RCMP employees who are dedicated to retaining our strong ties forged in the Force. Our primary role is to support one another and our families through our various social programs and activities. Please take a moment to browse our local and national websites.

Bienvenue au site Web de l’Association des vétéran de la GRC de Nouveau-Brunswick. Notre division est dynamique, diversifiée et riche en cultures anglophone, francophone et autochtone.

Notre association est un réseau d’anciens employés de la GRC qui ont à cœur de conserver les liens solides tissés au sein de la Gendarmerie. Notre rôle principal est de nous soutenir les uns les autres et de soutenir nos familles par le biais de nos divers programmes et activités sociales. Nous vous invitons à prendre le temps de consulter nos sites Internet locaux et nationaux.

Ross White




The NB RCMP Veterans Association is comprised of ten (10) regions:

  • Southeast (area surrounding the Codiac Region)
  • Codiac Region (Moncton, Riverview, Dieppe)
  • Northeast Region (Bathurst, Campbellton and Acadian Peninsula)
  • Northwest Region (Edmundston, St Leonard, Grand Falls)
  • Fredericton Region (Fredericton, Stanley, Minto, Chipman, Harvey, Oromocto, Mactaquac)
  • Southwest Region (MacAdam, Charlotte County)
  • Saint John Region (Grand-Bay Westfield, Saint John, Quispamsis, Rothesay, Kingston Peninsula)
  • Sussex Region (Sussex, Sussex Corner, Hampton, St Martins)
  • Western River Valley Region (Meductic to Perth)
  • Miramichi Region

Memberships (2023):

  • 381 Active, 
  • 54 Associate, 
  • 7 Life, and 
  • 2 Honorary members 



Tradition and Heritage Events

  • “J” Division Centennial Scholarship Program awarded annually to five (5) Regular & Veterans’ families.
  • NB RCMP Veterans Association awards five (5) bursaries annually to children and grandchildren of our Association members.
  • Assists “J” Division at various special ceremonial and other events throughout the Division.
  • Hospitalized and Shut-ins:
    • Visit hospitalized Association members or who are shut-in at home,
    • Act as advocates for veterans and serving members of “J” Division.

Law Enforcement and Community

  • Assists “J” Division at medal presentation ceremonies,
  • Participates on award review boards.
  • Participate at Remembrance Day and Police Memorial ceremonies throughout NB
  • Attend various social functions sponsored by “J” Division
  • Assist “J” Division at community events, Musical Ride performances, public relation events.


  • President: Ross White
  • Vice President: Jean-Marc Collin
  • Secretary: John Jurcina
  • Treasurer: Mike Reade
  • Past President: Keith Morris
  • 2nd Vice President: Lucie Dubois


  • Advocate/Avocat: Joe MacLaughlin
  • Communications: Brian Griffiths
  • Website/Site web: Pierre Bourguignon
  • Gravesites/tombes: Roger Gillies
  • Membership/Adhesion: Lorne House
  • Newsletter / Bulletin: Jennifer Lejeune
  • Bursaries / Bourses: Gerry Belliveau
  • Member Management: Etienne Boudreau
  • Chaplin / Aumonier: Marion Jamer
  • “J” Division Liaison: Brian Griffiths

Regional Directors:

  • Roland MacNeil – Southeast (area surrounding the Codiac Region)
  • Ed Brinton – Codiac Region (Moncton, Riverview, Dieppe)
  • Gilles Turgeon – Northeast Region (Campbellton, Bathurst, Acadian Peninsula)
  • Vacant- Northwest Region (Edmundston, St Leonard, Grand Falls)
  • Brian Griffiths & Don Hulsman – Fredericton Region (Greater Fredericton area)
  • Neil Walker – Southwest Region (McAdam, Charlotte County)
  • Ron Gosselin – Saint John Region (Grand-Bay Westfield, Saint John, Hampton)
  • Fred Fearon – Sussex Region (Sussex, Sussex Corner, St Martins)
  • Len O’Halloran – Western River Valley Region (Meductic to Perth)
  • Tim Hoban – Miramichi Region


Communications Director: