RCMP Veterans' Association » Divisions » London




Year Established: 1966

2024 Membership: current membership numbers as at November 2024, 131 Active members, 3 Life members 26 Associate Members, and one Honourary member.

Regular meetings:  (2 formal meetings a year)  Spring AGM and Fall meeting,  other get togethers as deemed necessary.

Communications: Email fan-outs via MailChimp

Dues: Effective 2025-01-01 $70 for Active members. Life and Associate members are requested to donate $35 annually to the Division.


Position Name Email
President Bob Wood j8bwood@gmail.com
Vice President Lynn Campbell knights3344@hotmail.com
Secretary Terry Cameron worldwise98@hotmail.com
Treasurer Mona Eichmann dasauto.beetle@gmail.com
Past President & Communications Wayne Isbester wdisbester@gmail.com
Welfare Officer Barb Carter bcarter@rogers.com
Division Advocate Janet Steel janetsteel61@gmail.com
Entertainment Coordinator Bruce Gould gouldbl@rogers.com
Remembrance Day Coordinator Janice Pepe pepej@eastlink.ca


Division Advocacy; Updates on veterans’ issues and benefits, such as estate planning, insurance, etc.


  • Coffee Gatherings
    • Monthly – London area – first Tuesday of every month commencing December 3rd, 2024 at the Farm Boy Food Court, 1415 Beaverbrook Avenue, London, Ontario at 9:30:am.
    • Monthly – Kitchener/Waterloo area – 1st Tuesday of every month at the Conestoga Food Court, Waterloo, Ontario # 10:am
  • Guest speakers on member interest issues – Usually slated after our meetings
  • Donations to the local Food Bank
  • Annual Christmas dinner, golfing, Tours


London Division is a low key Division which fits well with the wishes of our membership, given the wide geographic area we live in.  We have an active recruitment campaign which includes an excellent relationship with “O” Division Headquarters who kindly have provided us a venue for our meetings at the Divisional Messes in London.  More recently we have opted for afternoon meetings at the Royal Canadian Legion Byron Branch to better serve our member’s avoidance of driving at night at ease of parking outside the downtown core.


The bulk of our efforts go towards social activities and to that end we have a number of initiatives; weekly golf program from May to October; annual golf tournament; several impromptu luncheons and tours and our Annual Christmas dinner which is the highlight of the year. We honour the widows/widowers of past Active members by inviting them to be Associate members at no cost to them and host them to an annual Luncheon each year paid for by the Division.


Sick and shut-in visits

Visitations to veterans and members, and get-well offerings.

Law enforcement/community

Remembrance Day and police/peace officer memorial services.

Association programs/services

The Division Executive and the Division Advocate in particular provides Advocacy to our members and provides updates on veterans’ issues and benefits, such as estate planning, insurance updates, etc.