RCMP Veterans' Association » Divisions » Golden Horseshoe


Golden Horseshoe


Year Established: 1999

2024 Membership: 59 active and life members / 13 associate and honorary members

Regular Meetings:  Fourth Thursday of every month except July and August with social events held 3-4 times a year

Communications: Regular emails via Mailchimp from the Secretary


The Golden Horseshoe Division attracts members in the Niagara Falls to Oakville corridor of Ontario.

Tradition and heritage events

We award an annual Scholarship/Bursary Award for Education Assistance at recognized University or College Programs.


Sick and shut-in visits


  • Visitations to veterans and members, and get-well offerings

  • Support to widows and widowers

Law enforcement/community

  • Remembrance Day and Police/Peace Officer Memorial Services are attended in the communities where members reside.

Association programs/services

  • Division advocacy; Updates on veteran issues and benefits, such as estate planning insurance, etc.

  • Provide active support to members with pension, medical or other concerns

  • Division membership coordinator identifies prospective members and follow-up for member retention

  • Honour guard at wakes and funerals

  • Annual gravesite inspections

Special events

  • Social luncheons 2-3 times each year

  • Holiday luncheon in December

  • Guest presentations on topics related to the good of the Association.