President’s Message

Ottawa Division President
Wayne Jacquard
The Ottawa Division of the RCMP Veterans’ Association is comprised of retired regular members (police officers), civilian members and public servants who live mainly in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. The Division is trending towards younger members and improved gender balance.
Consistent with the objectives of the Association, your Ottawa Division is committed to acting in accordance with its “three C’s”…
CARE: We take care of one another.
CONNECT: We reach out to the RCMP and the broader police community.
COMMUNITY: We commit to making our community a better place.
The November function is the annual dinner (Dining In) and the May function is the annual dinner and dance to which the Division invites the commissioner and other dignitaries. The Division usually holds its annual general meeting on the same night as the regular meeting in December.
During the winter months November December January February and March the meetings are held in the cafeteria at the Canadian Police College 1 Sandridge Road.
The executive committee, which consists of the president, first vice-president, second vice-president, secretary, and treasurer and the directors meets every month except July and August.
The Division has by-laws, which it has revised periodically, with the last revision being in 2015. It does not have its own distinct lapel pin.
Through this website and “The Spirit” quarterly publication, Ottawa Division keeps its membership informed, entertained and up-to-date.
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For a much closer look at Ottawa Division please feel free to follow the link to the standalone Division website.