RCMP Veterans' Association » Divisions » Quebec




2016 Membership: 454 active and life / 28 associate and honorary

Regular Meetings: Held monthly, mainly at RCMP HQ in Montreal

Communications: Division website

The Association of Veterans of the RCMP in Quebec is very dynamic. Our members like to meet on a regular basis especially to remember the good times of their career, to exchange news relating to their families, to comment on the news, the policy, sports and other subjects. But what premium, this are the anecdotes new and old, the good and the bad turns between old colleagues. In fact, the social aspect is the main reason that animates our veterans to join our organization. 

Tradition and heritage events

  • For many years, our division gives generously to the work in the street of the Father Emmett Jones (Father pops). It is an organization that works with youth homeless who live in the street. The money is collected from our members during meetings and monthly during the golf tournament.
  • In the last year, members participated in a chore in the center of the city of Montreal which was for the purpose of inventory the number of homeless.
  • Thanks to generous donors to respond favorably to some requests for contribution to agencies and other specific requests. For example, the Group of bagpipes and drums of the RCMP Division C has benefited from a gift of our Divisional association.


Sick and shut-in visits

Visitations to veterans and members, and get-well offerings. 

Law enforcement/community

  • Remembrance Day and police/peace officer memorial services. In all the years, such a ceremony was held at the Institute of Police of Quebec to Nicolet and we are proud to participate.
  • During funerals, our members act as guard of honour and other specific needs, this according to the requests of families.
  • RCMP medal ceremonies.

Association programs/services

  • We have an ombudsman active and available in order to provide the assistance and the support required.
  • A support to the members and to the families who live events or difficult times such as the diseases, the death of a close and all other difficult situations is offered.

Special events

  • Annual Christmas dinner.
  • The holding of a visit to the sugar shack is also a must to each spring.