2021 Membership:
- 262 Active
- 4 Life
- 104 Associate – 27 of whom are members of the Ladies’ Auxiliary.
- 4 Honourary
Regular Meetings: September to June inclusive with a spring and fall meeting being a Dinner Meeting. Coffee every Tuesday, 9:00 am at Southland Mall
Communications: Monthly division newsletter & dispatch notices as or when required.
Division Contact:
This past year and into the foreseeable future all our General Meetings will be held via Zoom.
Tradition and heritage events
- Two representatives of Regina Division attend all the Cadet Regimental Dinners bringing greetings and messages to Staff and the Senior Cadet Troop on the cusp of Graduation. We are building bridges with the future members of the Force and hopefully they see benefit first in supporting RCMP Veterans Association, and then joining us upon their retirement.
- We hold an annual trip to Plentywood Montana to meet and march with members of the Veterans from the US Military to celebrate US Memorial Day with them and their community.
- We volunteer at the RCMP Heritage Centre both as guides and drivers on the “people movers” which provide tours of Depot Division, and support all special events that occur at the Heritage Centre.
- Regina Division continues to be fully engaged with the “Friends of the Mounted Police Heritage Centre”. We continue to work on the “Pillars of the Force” initiative which celebrates the service & contributions of retired and serving members and employees – those upon whose backs the reputation and image of the Force was built. Check out the “Friends” home page.
- The Division holds an annual Church Parade, a long standing & historical tradition and also participate in the RCMP Annual Memorial Parade held at “Depot” Division.
Sick and shut-in visits
Visitations to veterans and members, and get-well offerings.
Once a year our Sick & Visiting Committee reaches out to every Division member to check in on their overall situation to determine if there is anything they need and keep them personally informed of news and updates. This keeps everyone linked into the organization.
Law enforcement/community
- Remembrance Day and police/peace officer memorial services
- RCMP medal ceremonies
Association programs/services
- Division advocacy; Updates on veteran issues and benefits, such as estate planning insurance, etc.
Special events
- Annual Candlelight Dinner held at Christmas time. (widows are our special guests)
- Participation with the Salvation Army Kettle drive at Christmas
- We hold an annual shoot every March and weather permitting Saskatoon Division takes part in this event. Serving Firearm Instructors from Depot Division facilitate the shoot and then join all for fellowship immediately afterwards
- Fund Raising initiatives with the Force, such as a ”School Reading Program“
- Regina is a regular host of the Association’s AGM’s. The 2020 AGM planned for Regina was cancelled due to Covid.
Recent Activities
May 2021
Just thought I would let our visitors know of a few activities Regina Vets’ have undertaken to keep our members supported and engaged during the Covid pandemic.
At Easter, our Ladies Auxiliary and Vets partnered to deliver flower and chocolates to those less healthy or shut in and received a wonderful response of grateful appreciation.
As with many organizations, the pandemic has crimped the style of Regina Vets. Normally we host a Christmas Social that honours the spouses of our members now departed. Since we couldn’t this past Christmas, an enterprising team of our members organized the delivery of meals for two to each of the honourees, accompanied by bottles of wine donated by an admirer of this effort.

It is common for the Regina Vets’ to host two or three additional member and partner dinner and gift basket draws during the year as well. Drawing on the success of the Christmas project, we decided to host a “Socially Distanced Dinner” for our members and families in or near Regina, accompanied by a Gift Basket raffle open to all members.
110 meals and 310 Gift Basket tickets were sold and on Sunday, April 18th, three Vets came from outside of Regina to pick up their meals while the rest were delivered in under 20 minutes by a team of 13 volunteer Vets.
Gary and Pat Davidson once again put together wonderful Gift Baskets. Gary and Pat buy the components and build the gift baskets. The one wrapped in cellophane is one they built for a Christmas Social awhile back. The other two are components and the final product for the 1st prize.

Prepared by John Leitch – Regina Division Treasurer and bon vivant.