RCMP Veterans' Association » Divisions » Lethbridge




Year Established: 1971

Membership: For several years, Lethbridge Division has maintained Memberships of 90 to 100 active and life Members; plus 35 to 45 associate and honourary Members.

Regular Meetings: Annual Meeting of Members in the first two months of each year; Executive and Business meetings as required; Coffee & Breakfast every Tuesday morning at Lethbridge, Alberta Pure Gaming Casino starting at 9:30 AM; Safety Meetings every Wednesday afternoon at the Army Navy Air Force Veterans Club Lethbridge, Alberta commencing at 3:00 PM.

Mailing Address:
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Lethbridge Division
c/o RCMPolice Coaldale Detachment
705 – 19 A Avenue, P.O. Box 1000
Coaldale, AB T1M 0C3


Lethbridge Division has a coffee morning every Tuesday at the Lethbridge Casino from 9:30 AM forward. Breakfast is available before 11:00 AM at a reduced price.

Safety Meetings to exchange news, health updates, Last Posts, and other items of interest are held at 3:00 PM Wednesdays at the Army Navy Air Force Veterans Club, Lethbridge, AB.

Lethbridge Division hosts a breakfast for Veterans and Serving Members when there are special events in Lethbridge, or the Lethbridge area.

Three members of Lethbridge Division are part of the RCMP Veterans’ Association (RCMPVA) Support Teams initiative. These members and their contact information are listed under the Support and Advocacy Tab in the RCMPVA Website:

Visit the Support and Advocacy area of the website for more information . To view all areas, including those that are Password Protected, ensure your RCMPVA Membership is current.

Tradition and heritage events

  • Lethbridge Division alternates with Calgary Division as host for an Annual Golf Tournament at The Bridges Golf Course in Claresholm, AB.
  • Division Veterans are Associate Members of the 20th Field Battery Mess, Royal Canadian Artillery. This is always subject to review as the membership criteria is regularly reassessed by the Mess Executive.
  • The Fort Museum of the NWMP at Fort Macleod, Alberta – Lethbridge Division members answered and attend the museum for Canada Day and 8 other occasions. Participating in 4-hour shifts from Noon to 4:00 PM, we wear crested Golf Shirts and pro-actively greet visitors to the Museum. Tourists and visitors, especially those from out-of-country have been favourably impressed with RCMP Veterans participation. The Fort Macleod Museum strives to maintain historical accuracy!
  • We liaise with the Lethbridge United Services Institute which promotes public participation on defence and national security issues.
  • Lethbridge Division, with Cypress Hills Division, Calgary Division, Regina Division and Saskatoon Division (pending confirmation) participate in inter-divisional social functions. The location of the Socials is on a rotational basis.
  • In keeping with travelling to get together and share information, Division Veterans move Safety Meetings to the outlying areas of Southwestern Alberta for those Veterans residing outside of Lethbridge, eg: Crowsnest Pass, Pincher Creek, AB.
  • Lethbridge Division hosts an Annual Christmas Dinner for our membership and invited guests. The Dinner takes place early in December every year.
  • Lethbridge Division has minted Challenge Coins for 2017, 2020 And 2023. Plans are being developed underway for another coin in 2026 or 2027.


  • An informal mid-summer BBQ or end of summer Corn Roast is held at varying locations, and we include invited guests.
  • The Division is hoping to expand the number of social events by one additional event each year.
  • Visitations to veterans and members, and get-well offerings.

Law enforcement/community

  • Remembrance Day services in communities where members reside
  • Police/Peace Officer Memorial Services, Flag Day, and Canada Day Ceremonies.
  • Participation in local parades and community events
  • For members of the RCMP Veterans’ Association (RCMPVA) – the Lethbridge Division Honour Guard may be requested to attend wakes and funerals.

Association programs/services

  • As noted, three Lethbridge Division Members are part of the RCMPVA Support Teams, providing updates and assistance with veterans’ issues, health benefits & services, Dental Plan and Public Service Health Care Plan updates, insurance concerns, survivor benefits, and more.
  • Encourage serving Detachment Commanders to conduct Annual Gravesite inspections as required by Section 2.4 of the RCMP National Compensation Manual (NCM).
  • Liaison with the Commanding Officer of RCMP Alberta (K Division) or the Last Post Fund for replacing regimental grave markers for members of the NWMP, RNWMP and RCMP where the original grave markers have been lost to time.
  • Encourage serving RCMP Members to join as Associate Members
  • Provide spiritual guidance by our Division Chaplain upon a Member’s request.
  • Lethbridge Division produces a Division Newsletter