Décès du régiment n° 64971 Cst. Jasmine Thiara

C’est avec une grande tristesse que l’Association des vétérans de la GRC reconnaît le décès du gend. Jasmine Thiara de Richmond, en Colombie-Britannique. Nous reconnaissons que c’est une période extrêmement difficile pour la famille, les amis et les...

Passing of Regimental No. 64971 Cst. Jasmine Thiara

It is with great sadness that the RCMP Veterans’ Association acknowledges the passing of Cst. Jasmine Thiara from Richmond, British Columbia. We recognize that this is an extremely difficult time for Jasmine’s family, friends and work colleagues. We wish...

RCMP officer awarded French Defense Medal

B.C. Lower Mainland District, International Policing 2021-02-17 11:37 PST The French government awarded Chief Superintendent Maureen Levy, Lower Mainland District RCMP and Assistant District Commander with the French National Defense Medal – Bronze, for her work as a...

Senior Police Managers must not kowtow to political rhetoric

A recent article I read in the globe and mail has pushed me to where I can no longer bite my tongue and remain silent. It is a part of a continuing onslaught at undermining police efficiency and as a consequence, police officer and public safety. “RCMP Commissioner urged...