RCMP Veterans' Association » News and Updates


News and Updates

While the primary mission of the RCMP Veterans’ Association is to provide a network of support for former employees of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their families, we also recognize the significance of keeping our community informed and engaged. News and Updates Page serves as an extension of our commitment to fostering a well-rounded and knowledgeable community.

Here you will find a number of posts of interest, about providing our membership and the RCMP Veterans Community with information that will help them manage their life after the RCMP. These will include news articles, bulletins, communiques and requests for assistance on various topics. As you browse our content, remember that your participation is encouraged. Share your thoughts and contribute to the growth of our collective understanding. Your perspective matters, and we’re excited to have you as part of our informed and engaged RCMP Veterans community.

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Letter to Minister Goodale

Letter to Minister Goodale

Following the government’s announcements concerning the RCMP pay raise , I felt oblige to write to our Minister expressing our disappointment with the insufficient retroactive pay increases to the members of the RCMP. To date, the Association has not received an...

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Letter to Minister Goodale

Lettre au ministre Goodale

À la suite de l' annonce du gouvernement concernant l’augmentation de salaire de la GRC, je me suis senti obligé d'écrire à notre ministre, exprimant notre déception face aux augmentations de salaire rétroactives insuffisantes pour les membres de la GRC. À date, l’...

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In the Quarterly’s Summer 2017 issue

In the Quarterly’s Summer 2017 issue

Cover: 100 Years: Honouring the Fallen at Vimy Ridge One hundred years ago, in the coldness of dawn, Canadian soldiers waited in trenches to attack enemy forces at Vimy Ridge on April 9, 1917. Also in the Quarterly's Summer issue: Times Have Changed By Cst. Elenore...

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À l’intérieur de la Trimestrielle

À l’intérieur de la Trimestrielle

Article Principal : 100 ans : hommage aux soldats tués sur la crête de Vimy Dans la froidure de l’aube cent ans plus tôt, les soldats canadiens étaient tapis dans les tranchées de la crête de Vimy, prêts à attaquer l’ennemi. C’était le 9 avril 1917. Aussi à...

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Veterans Review and Appeal Board appointments

Veterans Review and Appeal Board appointments

As you may know, the Veterans Review and Appeal Board recently welcomed seven new and six returning Members appointed by the Governor in Council, including four Canadian Armed Forces Veterans, three RCMP Veterans, and seven women. We continue to accept applications...

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Veterans Review and Appeal Board appointments

Tribunal des anciens combattants (révision et appel)

Comme vous le savez peut-être, le Tribunal des anciens combattants (révision et appel) a récemment accueilli sept nouveaux membres et six membres revenant nommés par le gouverneur en conseil, y compris quatre vétérans des Forces armées canadiennes et trois de la GRC,...

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Results of Quarterly Readership Survey

Results of Quarterly Readership Survey

The challenges faced by most printed publications in North America are real and unsettling. One recent study indicated that sales of printed publications have decreased 40% since 2011, and that we are now spending 40% of our time looking at media on our phones instead...

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Results of Quarterly Readership Survey

Résultats de Trimestrielle auprès des lecteurs

Les défis à surmonter pour plusieurs publications imprimées en Amérique du Nord sont réels et déconcertants. Une récente étude indique que les ventes de publications imprimées ont chuté de 40 % depuis 2011 et que nous passons 40 % de notre temps à suivre le contenu...

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