RCMP Veterans' Association » News and Updates


News and Updates

While the primary mission of the RCMP Veterans’ Association is to provide a network of support for former employees of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their families, we also recognize the significance of keeping our community informed and engaged. News and Updates Page serves as an extension of our commitment to fostering a well-rounded and knowledgeable community.

Here you will find a number of posts of interest, about providing our membership and the RCMP Veterans Community with information that will help them manage their life after the RCMP. These will include news articles, bulletins, communiques and requests for assistance on various topics. As you browse our content, remember that your participation is encouraged. Share your thoughts and contribute to the growth of our collective understanding. Your perspective matters, and we’re excited to have you as part of our informed and engaged RCMP Veterans community.

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RGM and AGM Documents

RGM and AGM Documents

RGM Minutes December 8, 2020 AGM Reports 2018 Nomination Committee 2017 Nomination Committee Agendas December 10, 2019 Minutes: Draft December 10, 2019 December 11, 2018 Minutes: Final December 12, 2017 December 13, 2016

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Update on Civilian Member Pay and Deeming

On Tuesday, November 28, Acting Commissioner Daniel Dubeau issued a Force-wide communique announcing that the deeming of RCMP Civilian Members and their transfer to the Phoenix pay system will be put on hold until further notice. Acting Commissioner Dubeau's message...

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Le point sur la paye des membres civils et la conversion

Le mardi 28 novembre, le commissaire par intérim Daniel Dubeau a publié un communiqué à l'échelle de la Force annonçant que la présomption de membres civils de la GRC et leur transfert au système de paye de Phoenix seraient mis en attente jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Le...

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New Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees

New Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees

The RCMP will be implementing new Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees (http://infoweb.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/comm/com/ghac-ccesh/index-eng.htm) across all divisions, and one nationally. These Advisory Committees will provide advice to the Commissioner and Commanding...

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