RCMP Veterans' Association » News and Updates


News and Updates

While the primary mission of the RCMP Veterans’ Association is to provide a network of support for former employees of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their families, we also recognize the significance of keeping our community informed and engaged. News and Updates Page serves as an extension of our commitment to fostering a well-rounded and knowledgeable community.

Here you will find a number of posts of interest, about providing our membership and the RCMP Veterans Community with information that will help them manage their life after the RCMP. These will include news articles, bulletins, communiques and requests for assistance on various topics. As you browse our content, remember that your participation is encouraged. Share your thoughts and contribute to the growth of our collective understanding. Your perspective matters, and we’re excited to have you as part of our informed and engaged RCMP Veterans community.

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Undermining trust in police is dangerous for us all

Undermining trust in police is dangerous for us all

As anti-police rhetoric in Canada has intensified over the past weeks, I confess that the Mountie in me has been stirred to anger. Not because of what one might assume – that I refuse to acknowledge that serious mistakes have been made, or that I am eager to let police leadership off the proverbial hook – but rather, because of the volume of quick, easy and short-sighted criticism from our politicians and pundits, much of it proffered without any balance or nuance.

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Déclaration de la GRC/FPN : Suppositions sur l’arrestation à Rideau Hall

RCMP/NPF Statement: Speculation on Rideau Hall Arrest

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] July 10, 2020 Ottawa, Ontario Statement Last week RCMP Members successfully intervened with and arrested an individual who posed a significant threat at Rideau Hall in Ottawa. We have since been disappointed by commentary from...

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Le racisme systémique dans la GRC

Le racisme systémique dans la GRC

Les récents événements au cours desquels le commandant de la division "K" et le commissaire de la GRC ont modifié leurs positions publiques sur l'existence d'un "racisme systémique" au sein de la GRC sont très troublants pour ceux qui servent actuellement dans la GRC...

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Le racisme systémique dans la GRC

Systemic Racism in the RCMP

There seems to be some confusion about what ‘systemic’ actually means with some journalists even using the term as a synonym of ‘systematic’. Systematic is anything done methodically, according to a plan, or utilizing a system. Systemic means involving the whole body or organization. To be systemic in the RCMP, racism would have to permeate the whole organization, be part of the both administrative and operational policy, and be universally and consistently pursued by the organization’s management.

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A Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau

Mister Prime Minister, « Systemic » Which is relative to a system in itself Mister Prime Minister Trudeau Your search for justice toward the Aboriginals should not translate itself by declarations founded on perceptions rather than on documented facts. We do not need...

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Une lettre au Premier ministre Trudeau

Une lettre au Premier ministre Trudeau

« Systémique »: qui est relatif à un système dans son ensemble Monsieur le Premier Ministre Trudeau, Votre recherche de justice envers les Autochtones ne devrait pas se traduire par des déclarations fondées sur des perceptions au lieu de faits documentés. Nous n’avons...

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L’honorable Bev Busson, sénateur de la Colombie-Britannique, a fait la déclaration suivant

Statement from Senator Beverley Busson

STATEMENT BY THE HONOURABLE BEV BUSSON, SENATOR FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA ON THE CURRENT SITUATION INVOLVING OUR POLICE July 2, 2020 (Ottawa, ON) – The Hon. Bev Busson, Senator for British Columbia, issued the following statement: I cannot stay silent any longer. I, like...

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Soutenir la GRC

Soutenir la GRC

Cette lettre est remise à tous les sénateurs et députés. Nous voudrions attirer votre attention sur le fait que deux fois au cours des semaine dernière, des membres de la GRC dans le Canada atlantique ont été attaqués.  Nous pensons que le manque de soutien à la...

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