While the primary mission of the RCMP Veterans’ Association is to provide a network of support for former employees of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their families, we also recognize the significance of keeping our community informed and engaged. News and Updates Page serves as an extension of our commitment to fostering a well-rounded and knowledgeable community.
Here you will find a number of posts of interest, about providing our membership and the RCMP Veterans Community with information that will help them manage their life after the RCMP. These will include news articles, bulletins, communiques and requests for assistance on various topics. As you browse our content, remember that your participation is encouraged. Share your thoughts and contribute to the growth of our collective understanding. Your perspective matters, and we’re excited to have you as part of our informed and engaged RCMP Veterans community.
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His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh
The RCMP Veterans’ Association wishes to convey its condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The mourning of his death around the world reminds us all of what a singularly spectacular individual he...
Vaccinations pour les membres de la GRC
2021-Mars-19 Lors de la réunion mensuelle du conseil d'administration de mercredi, nous avons discuté des pratiques et des critères variables à travers le Canada pour la fourniture du vaccin Covid-19. Dans de nombreuses provinces et territoires, il semble que la...
Vaccinations for RCMP Members 2021-March-19
All Association Divisions:During Wednesday’s monthly Board of Directors meeting, we discussed the varying practices and criteria across Canada for the provision of Covid-19 vaccine.In many provinces and territories, it appears the police are not being considered an...
Décès du régiment n° 64971 Cst. Jasmine Thiara
C'est avec une grande tristesse que l'Association des vétérans de la GRC reconnaît le décès du gend. Jasmine Thiara de Richmond, en Colombie-Britannique. Nous reconnaissons que c'est une période extrêmement difficile pour la famille, les amis et les collègues de...
Passing of Regimental No. 64971 Cst. Jasmine Thiara
It is with great sadness that the RCMP Veterans' Association acknowledges the passing of Cst. Jasmine Thiara from Richmond, British Columbia. We recognize that this is an extremely difficult time for Jasmine's family, friends and work colleagues. We wish to all the...
Une officière de la GRC se voit accorder la médaille de la Défense nationale française
C.-B. District du Lower Mainland, Services de police internationaux 2021-02-17 11:37 HNP Le gouvernement français a accordé à la surintendante principale Maureen Levy, chef de district adjointe du District du Lower Mainland de la GRC, la médaille de la Défense...
RCMP officer awarded French Defense Medal
B.C. Lower Mainland District, International Policing 2021-02-17 11:37 PST The French government awarded Chief Superintendent Maureen Levy, Lower Mainland District RCMP and Assistant District Commander with the French National Defense Medal – Bronze, for her work as a...
Les hauts responsables de la police ne doivent pas se plier à la rhétorique politique
Un article récent que j'ai lu dans le Globe and mail m'a poussé à ne plus me retenir et rester silencieux. Cela fait partie d'une attaque continue visant à saper l'efficacité de la police et, par conséquent, la sécurité des policiers et du public. "La commissaire de...
Senior Police Managers must not kowtow to political rhetoric
A recent article I read in the globe and mail has pushed me to where I can no longer bite my tongue and remain silent. It is a part of a continuing onslaught at undermining police efficiency and as a consequence, police officer and public safety. “RCMP Commissioner urged...
Projet de loi C-21 – Modifications au Code criminel relativement aux armes à feu à autorisation restreinte sans permis
Les points de vue, les pensées et les opinions exprimés dans le texte ci-dessous n'appartiennent qu'à l'auteur et ne sont pas nécessairement ceux de l'Association des anciens de la GRC, de ses comités exécutifs ou de ses membres individuels. La soumission au ministère...