Here to Serve Those Who Have Served
Our Association is a network of former RCMP employees investing in each other for mutual support today, tomorrow and always.
The RCMP Veterans’ Association (RCMPVA) has been in existence since 1886. It was incorporated under the name Royal Northwest Mounted Police Veterans’ Association by Letters Patent under the Companies Act on January 14, 1924, and steps were taken on December 1, 1954, to change the Association’s name to reflect the present-day name of the Force.
Our Mission
To be responsive to the physical, psychological, social and economic welfare of all former employees of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their families.
Our Vision
To provide exemplary service and support to our family of retired peace officers and employees and their families today, tomorrow and always.
Our Values
Diversity, Respect, Integrity, Trust, Teamwork, Service and Leadership.
Our Purpose
The RCMP Veterans’ Association is a dedicated family of former employees of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The members of the Association possess shared life experiences and unique skills and abilities that are reflected in all we do for the greater good of our membership and all of the RCMP family. We are proud of our career contributions to the preservation of peace and security in Canada and our role in the rich history and traditions of the Force. Together we are stronger, and we welcome you to become a member of the venerated family of Veterans.
The RCMPVA (The Association) is governed by a Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors are dedicated Association members who are investing in the greater good of the Association membership by volunteering their time and taking on the responsibility for overseeing the business activities and other affairs of the Association. The board is comprised of up to 11 directors who are elected by the membership during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board then elects members of the board to take on the four Officers positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. The other board members (Directors) then take on the leadership of committees to conduct the operational aspects of the Association with the support of the Chief Administration Officer. Each board member agrees to serve a three-year term with the Board.
The Association Secretariat is responsible to provide the bulk of the operational and administrative support for the Association. In addition to this they also lead the development of responsible standards and assurance mechanisms, mange stakeholder engagement, communications, oversight of the membership program, and supporting divisions for day to day issues and larger events (AGM).
Glen Siegersma
Ralph Mahar
Mark Gaillard
Veterans Homelessness Program Coordinator
Alan Treddenick
Strategic Engagement - Operational Director
The RCMPVA Board of Directors conducts its oversight functions in concert with key committees so the association and its board operate effectively and in accordance with a high standard of corporate governance that adheres to the requirements of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.
Association Governance Committee (AGC)
Chair: Bob Byers (AB)
Treasurer: Peter Sorensen (PEI)
Secretary: Derren Lench (BC)
CAO: Glen Siegersma (ON)
Communications: Donna Morse (BC)
Director: Warren Gherasim (SK)
Communications Committee
Chair: Donna Morse (BC)
Support: CAO Glen Siegersma (ON)
Website Coordination: Glen Siegersma (ON)
Support: ACAO Ralph Mahar (ON)
Social Media Coord: Debbie Trask (NS)
Historian: Gord Cave (AB)
Membership Committee
Chair: Warren Gherasim (SK)
MMS: Glen Siegersma (ON)
Support Team Co-ordinators (formerly Advocacy)
Co-Chair: John Sherstone (BC)
Co-Chair: Russ Waugh (MB)
Pension Advisory Committee (RCMP PAC): Steve Walker (MB)
Pension Finance Oversight Committee: Steve Walker (MVB)
Member Benefits Chair: Steve Walker (MB)
RCMP Benefit Trust Fund: Steve Graham (NS)
Dental Advisory: Bill Brydon (NS)
Graves Committee: Jack O’Reilly (NS)
Steve Graham – NS Advocate
Support Committee
Pension Advisory Committee (RCMP PAC): Steve Walker
Pension Finance Oversight Committee: Steve Walker
Member Benefits - Chair: Steve Walker
RCMP Benefit Trust Fund: Steve Graham
Dental Advisory: Bill Brydon (Nova Scotia Division)
Graves Committee: Jack O’Reilly (Toronto Division)
Finance and Audit Committee
Chair: Mark Brown (NL)
Ex Officio: Peter Sorensen (PEI)
Member: John Leitch (SK)
Nomination Committee
Chair: Sandy Glenn (NS)
Honours & Recognition Committee
Chair: Ralph Mahar (ON)
Veterans Homelessness Program
Progam Coordinator: Mark Gaillard (ON)
Assoc. Support Coord: Mike Duffy (AB)
Association Council
Chair / Pres. Saskatoon Division: Warren Gherasim (SK)
Vice Chair / Pres. Ottawa Division: Wayne Jacquard (ON)
RCMP – RCMPVA Benefits Committee
Co-Chair: Steve Walker (MB)
Co-Chair: Joanne Rigon, Executive Director, National Compensation Services, RCMP (ON)
Veterans’ Women’s Council
Co-Chair: Jane Hall (BC)
Co-Chair: Vivienne Stewart (BC)
Member: Dr. Darlene Worth (NS)
Member: Ron Lewis (ON)
Member: Ruth Roy (NS)
Association Advocate: Mike Duffy (AB)
VAC Stakeholders
Advisory Group on Families: Dave Leblanc (MB)
Service Excellence Advisory Group: Ralph Mahar (ON)
Veterans Affairs Canada / Liaison to RCMP
RCMP - VAC Liaison - Graeme Shaw
RCMP - VAC Liaison - Clay Wortman
For more information email
Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research
Lead: Rick Morris (ON)
Office of the Veterans Ombud Advisory Council (OVO)
Council Member: Steve Walker and Jane Hall
RCMP Veterans’ Association Foundation
Director / Chairperson: Keith Trail (BC)
Director: John Francis (ON)
Director / Vice-Chairperson: Ian Atkins (NS)
Director: Luisa Russo-Lemay (ON)
Director: Robert Hurman (NL)
Director: Jerry Plastow (AB)
Director: Howard Eaton (NS)
Director: Warren Gherasim (SK)
Director: David Mitchell (AB)
Chair: Sandy Glenn, Kentville, (NS)
Steve Walker, Winnipeg, (MB)
Al Rivard, Dieppe, (NB)
Dave Leblanc, Gimli, (MB)
Cal Small, Orleans, (ON)
Tim Hoban, Miramichi, (NB)
Rick Morris, Toronto, (ON)
Bill Patton, Edmonton, (AB)
Keith Trail, Nanaimo, (BC)

Board of Directors
The RCMPVA (The Association) is governed by a Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors are dedicated Association members who are investing in the greater good of the Association membership by volunteering their time and taking on the responsibility for overseeing the business activities and other affairs of the Association. The board is comprised of up to 11 directors who are elected by the membership during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board then elects members of the board to take on the four Officers positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. The other board members (Directors) then take on the leadership of committees to conduct the operational aspects of the Association with the support of the Chief Administration Officer. Each board member agrees to serve a three-year term with the Board.
The Association Secretariat is responsible to provide the bulk of the operational and administrative support for the Association. In addition to this they also lead the development of responsible standards and assurance mechanisms, mange stakeholder engagement, communications, oversight of the membership program, and supporting divisions for day to day issues and larger events (AGM)
Glen Siegersma
Chief Administration Officer
Steve Graham
Benefit Trust Fund (BTF) – Manager
Sandra Conlin
Membership – Director (Acting)
Alan Treddenick
Strategic Engagement – Operational Director
The RCMPVA Board of Directors conducts its oversight functions in concert with key committees so the association and its board operate effectively and in accordance with a high standard of corporate governance that adheres to the requirements of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.
Association Governance Committee (AGC)
Chair: Bob Byers (AB)
Treasurer: Peter Sorensen (PEI)
Secretary: Derren Lench (BC)
CAO: Glen Siegersma (ON)
Communications: Donna Morse (BC)
Director: Warren Gherasim (SK)
Communications Committee
Chair: Donna Morse (BC)
Support: CAO Glen Siegersma (ON)
Website Coordination: Glen Siegersma (ON)
Support: ACAO Ralph Mahar (ON)
Social Media Coord: Debbie Trask (NS)
Historian: Gord Cave (AB)
Membership Committee
Chair: Warren Gherasim (SK)
MMS: Glen Siegersma (ON)
Support Team Co-ordinators (formerly Advocacy)
Co-Chair: John Sherstone (BC)
Co-Chair: Russ Waugh (MB)
Pension Advisory Committee (RCMP PAC): Steve Walker (MB)
Pension Finance Oversight Committee: Steve Walker (MVB)
Member Benefits Chair: Steve Walker (MB)
RCMP Benefit Trust Fund: Steve Graham (NS)
Dental Advisory: Bill Brydon (NS)
Graves Committee: Jack O’Reilly (NS)
Steve Graham – NS Advocate
Support Committee
Pension Advisory Committee (RCMP PAC): Steve Walker
Pension Finance Oversight Committee: Steve Walker
Member Benefits - Chair: Steve Walker
RCMP Benefit Trust Fund: Steve Graham
Dental Advisory: Bill Brydon (Nova Scotia Division)
Graves Committee: Jack O’Reilly (Toronto Division)
Finance and Audit Committee
Chair: Mark Brown (NL)
Ex Officio: Peter Sorensen (PEI)
Member: John Leitch (SK)
Nomination Committee
Chair: Sandy Glenn (NS)
Honours & Recognition Committee
Chair: Ralph Mahar (ON)
Veterans Homelessness Program
Progam Coordinator: Mark Gaillard (ON)
Assoc. Support Coord: Mike Duffy (AB)
Association Council
Chair / Pres. Saskatoon Division: Warren Gherasim (SK)
Vice Chair / Pres. Ottawa Division: Wayne Jacquard (ON)
RCMP – RCMPVA Benefits Committee
Co-Chair: Steve Walker (MB)
Co-Chair: Joanne Rigon, Executive Director, National Compensation Services, RCMP (ON)
Veterans’ Women’s Council
Co-Chair: Jane Hall (BC)
Co-Chair: Vivienne Stewart (BC)
Member: Dr. Darlene Worth (NS)
Member: Ron Lewis (ON)
Member: Ruth Roy (NS)
Association Advocate: Mike Duffy (AB)
VAC Stakeholders
Advisory Group on Families: Dave Leblanc (MB)
Service Excellence Advisory Group: Ralph Mahar (ON)
Veterans Affairs Canada / Liaison to RCMP
RCMP - VAC Liaison - Graeme Shaw
RCMP - VAC Liaison - Clay Wortman
For more information email
Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research
Lead: Rick Morris (ON)
Office of the Veterans Ombud Advisory Council (OVO)
Council Member: Steve Walker and Jane Hall
RCMP Veterans’ Association Foundation
Director / Chairperson: Keith Trail (BC)
Director: John Francis (ON)
Director / Vice-Chairperson: Ian Atkins (NS)
Director: Luisa Russo-Lemay (ON)
Director: Robert Hurman (NL)
Director: Jerry Plastow (AB)
Director: Howard Eaton (NS)
Director: Warren Gherasim (SK)
Director: David Mitchell (AB)
Board of Governors
Chair: Steve Walker , Winnipeg, Man
Al Rivard, Moncton, NB
Dave Leblanc, Gimli, MB
Cal Small, Orleans, ON
Tim Hoban, Miramichi, NB
Rick Morris, Toronto, ON
Bill Patton, Edmonton, AB
Keith Trail, Namaimo, BC
Bill McCheyne, Surrey, BC
Dale Lively, St. Andrews, NB