Fallen OPP Officer Marc Hovingh

The RCMP Veterans’ Association wishes to express its sincerest condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of Cst. Marc Hovingh who was killed during an altercation on Manitoulin Island, Ontario on Thursday, November 19th., 2020.We hope that their strength...

Erreur sur le coût de la vie

Entre 2003 et 2010, les clients d’Anciens Combattants Canada (ACC) (GRC et MDN) et les pensions de survivants ont été affectés par le fait que le gouvernement n’a pas inclus le coût de la vie dans leurs pensions d’invalidité annuelles ; cette erreur...

Cost of Living Error

Between 2003-2010, Veterans Affair Canada (VAC) clients (RCMP and DND) and survivor’s pensions were affected by the government failing to include the Cost of Living in their yearly Disability pensions; this mistake is called an Indexation Error. A combined 101,000...


RCMP VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION NOVA SCOTIA DIVISION SUPPORTING ALL 52 “H” DIVISION RCMP (NOVA SCOTIA) DETACHMENTS In early August 2020, the Nova Scotia Division of the RCMP Veterans’ Association launched a campaign within its membership that was geared to demonstrate...