Another year of social activities are underway and I look forward to read about what divisions are doing. As for the Board of Directors, we held our fall strategic and planning meeting on the 20th and 21st of September to discuss and carry forward the vision and direction discussed in Quebec City, Halifax and Charlottetown’s Executive council. Your proposed mission of “Veterans helping Veterans and Families” is what we will achieve, working together. In the next five years we need to grow by recruiting new members and sustaining the ones we already have. This will be achieved through “good governance “ and getting our image (brand) out there via our website. The Brand: Tradition-Service-Support, Our Legacy – Your future.
Vision 2020
“The Board is developing a substantive Vision for the Association Executive Council meeting at AGM 2018 in Winnipeg that will continue its efforts to simplify and streamline our Association and reduce the significant volunteer hours on administering, recruiting, and retaining members. A further update will be provided in the next 6-8 weeks, as we finalize an action plan for early pilot initiatives for 2018. I look forward to your collaboration and pursuit of constructive change in the Association.”
This year the Board and its committees have been concentrating on and will continue to build partnerships with the Government, the Force, The Legion, VAC, NAFR and police community.
Government: You may have noticed that we’ve become a little more vocal, a little more political by making ourselves available to attend and speak at parliamentary committees on issues that affect our membership and the serving members. We wrote to the Minister, the Commissioner and other ministers outlining our concerns and even offering the services of our members to sit on committees or boards. If you’ve been following our website you’ll find:
Letters about Bill C7, the pay raise of serving members and offering our services to sit on the selection board for the next Commissioner.
Letters to the MMIWG Commission seeking clarification on their mandate.
The Force: (Next meeting scheduled for early NOV)
Regular meetings with the CHRO’s office to address issues identified by our membership. Progress has been made on:
Generational and Territorial insignia
Veterans ID card expected to roll out in 2018
MOU to be signed re: RCMP BTF fund
Discussions on benefits issues affecting our membership.
The Legion: Regular contact made with the Legion to discuss the service bureau and mutual cooperation to move our agenda forward with the government. (Our next meeting is scheduled for November 4th.)
VAC: Ongoing contact via the Charlottetown office. Regular meetings attended by Governor Dave Leblanc, the executive officer and myself.
NAFR: (National Association of Federal Retirees) A renewed effort to rebuild our partnership will be undertaken this fall by the Executive Officer and myself.
Executive Officer: Mark Gaillard has resigned as Executive officer as of 8 September to return to law school. A competition was held and the incoming Executive officer is Ralph Mahar. A contract has been signed with Ralph. Welcomed aboard!. Ralph has his clearance approved to enhanced reliability and will begin on the 23rd October 2017.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Mark for his ongoing devotion and commitment to the association. Mark has accepted to remain with the association as chair of the History and Bylaw committee.
Executive Assistant: Benoit Garceau, our executive assistant left us at the end of August to join the military. His replacement is Chantal Renaud. An agreement has been reached with Mike Duncan, Chair of the Quarterly Management Board of Directors that Chantal will work as the Executive Assistant and her hours will be billable to the Association until the end of December 2017. This is a trial experiment to see if one person can perform both support functions for the Association and the Quarterly. They will share the cost 50/50.
Padre program – Could you send me the coordinates of your Division Padre (s). I think this this program needs a coordinated Association wide attention.
Finance and Audit:
Further to our annual audit work under Welch LLP, the 2015 Statements and Audit Report are expected by late October and the 2016 Statements and Audit Report by late December. At that time, Welch LLP’s engagement will be completed, having resigned effective conclusion of 2016.
Following a RFP process during the Summer, the Board of Directors appointed the successful firm, Deloitte LLP, as our Auditor for the 2017 Fiscal Year. Our Bookkeeper, Brenda Picklyk is actively compiling the 2016 Financial Information and will be contacting each Division for documents. To assure an orderly and on-time transition of Auditors, it is critical that divisions provide all the information requested; our Treasurer is providing details to your division treasurers.
I would ask that Presidents ensure that your division’s financial information is readily available for Brenda and the 2016 audit sampling (e.g. invoices, minutes) by Welch, e.g. if Treasurers are going to be away during the next three-four months, back-up documents must be left with another contact in the division. Thank you.”
Database maintenance
Data base updates and maintenance is a division responsibility and it is imperative that the data base be up to date at all times. The efficiency of our communications, voting process and report production requires the membership records are complete and up to date. Your assistance in this would be greatly appreciated.
I am honoured to continue to serve this Association and I thank you for your continued support.
Al Rivard