On behalf of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, I am pleased to share with you the Board’s Annual Report 2016-17. This is a follow-up to the hard copy we mailed to you.

Last year, the Board awarded new or increased disability benefits to almost 1,200 Veterans, speaking clearly to the value of the appeal program. This report delivers comprehensive information about our work and the year in review of actions taken to deliver and improve the appeal program for Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP members, and their families.

I hope that you will find this Annual Report useful and informative. As always, I am open to discussing the Board’s work with you, and look forward to continuing to build on our important relationship with your organization. You can help us reach as many Veterans and stakeholders as possible by sharing our report widely within your organization and through social media.

Tom Jarmyn, CD
Chair, Veterans Review and Appeal Board